October 2019 HealthLine

If there is pain associated with the sounds…yes! If not, it’s not an immediate concern, but you should confirm with your PT. Often the pop and crack sounds are due to muscle weakness/ stability or tightness causing an interruption in the gliding motion of the shoulder. I would highly suggest scheduling a free assessment, which will allow us to confirm the source of the sound. This month’s ‘Ask the Therapist’ is brought to you by our Oxford owner and director, Dan Garr, PT. MY SHOULDER cracks & pop s OFTEN SHOULD I BE worri ed? Ask the THERAPIST 10/19 USE IT OR SCHEDULE YOUR PT CHECK-UP TODAY! lose it Don't let your PT benefits go to waste! If you don't use your benefits by December 31st, you will loose them because they refresh for the new year. Don't know your PT coverage? Give us a call, we'll verify them for you!