October 2019 HealthLine

W e are programmed to “work through pain” or “wait it out” because the myth is that the pain will eventually go away. Unfortunately, that’s not how it works with shoulder pain. The shoulder is the most mobile joint in the body making it susceptible to injury and pain. Ignoring your shoulder pain can have substantial effect not only on your body but also your life. Our simple SHOULDER C.R.A.M.P. GUIDE will outline 5 RED FLAGS that will help you decipher whether your shoulder pain requires intervention. COMPENSATE When we experience pain, our body will create a new way of performing the action in order to decrease the pain and not use the effected shoulder. This sounds great in theory, but the new movement pattern is not how you were designed to move and can lead to other problems. REST Shoulder pain that torments you during the night is very common because: #1) As you settle in for the evening, movements slow, decreasing blood flow and replacing it with stiffness and soreness from daily activities. #2) Lying down shifts the balance of weight on the shoulder. #3) There is less to distract you shifiting focus on your pain. WHAT'S CAUSI INJURY POSTURE C R