9 Ways Physical Therapy Can Help Prevent a Fall

Physical therapists are often identified by their ability to help people rehabilitate injuries, but did you know they can help you prevent an injury or even a fall before it happens? As physical therapists, we are experts in the way the human body moves. We are able to provide a unique perspective on purposeful, precise and efficient movement across the lifespan. While there are certain things that come with age, we believe that falls don’t have to be one of them! 

Falls rarely happen without warning. Often, people will start showing signs of instability, balance, or frailty starting as early as age 45! But don’t worry, below you’ll find 9 Ways Physical Therapy Can Help Prevent a Fall.

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Physical Therapy

Reduces Pain​

Physical therapy has been shown to help individuals reduce or eliminate their need for pain medication, including opioids.

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Physical Therapy

Increases Mobility

They say, “use it or lose it”…well “they” aren’t wrong! Lack of activity only promotes more of it. Staying active is the simplest way to reduce fall risk.

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Physical Therapy

Restores Balance

Your physical therapist will design exercises that challenge your ability to keep your balance as well as recover from a loss of balance.

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Physical Therapy

Increases Strength

Your individualized strengthening program will focus on specific muscle groups to help improve your standing balance, balance while walking, and ability to recover from a loss of balance.

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Physical Therapy

Increases flexibility

Your physical therapist will determine if any of your major muscles are tight and teach you how to gently stretch them. 

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Physical Therapy

Builds Confidence

Whether you’ve experienced a fall already or maybe you’re not feeling as confident, regardless you’ll notice a drastic improvement in your confidence after PT.

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Physical Therapy


You’ll learn and build confidence in doing multiple things at once as well as (safe) physical activities that can help improve your overall quality of life and resources/training to help family members/caregivers.

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Physical Therapy

Corrects Postural Risks

Good posture can improve your balance. Your therapist will assess your posture, and teach you exercises to improve your ability to maintain proper posture.

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Physical Therapy

Creates Self-Awareness

Recognizing warning signs can help reduce the risk of falls. After going through Physical Therapy, you’ll be much more aware of the warning signs and you’ll be able to correct them before they lead to a fall.

Reality about falls

Falls can diminish your ability to lead an active and independent life not to mention cause a lot of pain! About one-third of people over the age of 65 and almost half of people over the age of 80 will fall at least once this year. There usually are several reasons for a fall and often they are complex; other times it’s something simple. Every case is different, but we’d be glad to review yours!

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