Home Exercise Program compliance with our Mobile App

What is a Home Exercise Program (HEP)?

A home exercise program (HEP) is a series of exercises that patients complete at home to maintain strength and increase therapeutic gains. Home exercises are designed to be practical, accessible and feasible so that patients can maximize efforts without instruction.

Home exercise programs (HEP) are given to all of our patients. In fact, one of the biggest components of success in physical therapy is the HEP. One could say the HEP is up to fifty percent of the reason you will achieve better outcomes. So the more you do your HEP, the better results you will have!

Benefits of completing your hep

Successful rehabilitation is not measured solely by the end of care but it is gained with the absence of recurring pain & long-term health … your HEP will help accomplish this!

Why download our app?

  • Video demonstration for exercises
  • Ability to pause & restart videos
  • Learn recovery techniques
  • In-app messaging to your therapist
  • Track your progress
  • Stay motivated with reminders

Home exercises may feel uncomfortable, especially if the exercises are new. However, patients should feel confident that our team will ensure they know proper form before starting their HEP. Our mobile application, Medbridge Go, will also help!


Your exercise program can be in the palm of your hand.
Your therapist will give you your very own unique code on/after your first visit.