Relieve Back Pain for Good

Lower back pain is extremely common. As many as 80% of adults will experience back pain at some point in their lives, and up to 20% of adults experience back pain in a given year. Injuries, accidents, sports, jobs, and genetics… there are a LOT of reasons that back pain is so common. It comes in many different forms and can affect people in a variety of ways. Whether it’s pain that stays in your low back or symptoms that travel down your buttocks into your legs, it’s an extremely common complaint and one of the most frequent diagnoses we treat in outpatient physical therapy.

Low back pain does not discriminate on age, both the young and old can experience pain that limits their ability to work and play. Unfortunately, many people consider back pain as a normal part of aging. But say it with me: Pain is not a normal part of aging! No matter if it’s your first experience with back pain or your 10th, don’t delay care. The sooner you address back pain, the more likely you are to be able to keep it away for good. The key is getting the help of a professional for an individualized program geared specifically for YOUR back and YOUR symptoms. The internet can be helpful for getting basic information on back injuries, but the one size fits all approaches and programs just won’t get to the root of your problem. We can help you! Our innovative care strategies and whole body/lifestyle approach at HealthQuest Physical Therapy will help you find lasting relief.

How long will it take to improve your back pain?

There are usually a lot of components that go into back pain. Lifestyle, job requirements, activity level, past medical history and injuries, family history, and more. Your pain most likely didn’t develop overnight, so you shouldn’t expect it to be gone overnight. One of the keys to recovery is finding the root cause of your pain. A physical therapist is highly trained to get to the bottom of your pain and consider all possible components. Typically, the longer you have been in pain, the longer it can take to feel better (Psst…don’t delay your care).

How can PT help?

Physical Therapists are able to assess what is happening with your back. Whether it is a mobility, stability, strength, or lifestyle issue, and can determine the right plan for YOU. Your physical therapist will identify things to work on, such as joint stiffness, muscle tightness, weakness, control/coordination, gait patterns, posture, or some combination of these factors. A specific program is developed for each individual that comes through our doors. The plan may consist of many different treatments depending on your particular needs, including joint mobilization, soft tissue work, dry needling, corrective strengthening and stretching exercises, balance, and return to sports activities. Most importantly, through education and home program training, PT will empower you to learn how to care for your back long after your therapy sessions are over.

Can Back Pain be Prevented?

The short answer is yes. The better you care for your back from a younger age, the less likely you are to experience debilitating back pain. One of the best things you can do as a preventative measure is to maintain good spinal mobility and flexibility. Taking 10-15 minutes, 4-5 days a week, is all you need to get on the right path.

Try out this gentle spinal mobility program for a dose of preventative medicine. These exercises are general stretching exercises only and should not create or worsen any pain or symptoms. They are not designed to treat a specific back disorder, so if you are currently experiencing back pain, please consult your physical therapist for an individualized exercise program.

Let us help you!

If you are experiencing back pain, a licensed physical therapist can help you develop a program that can increase strength, improve flexibility, decrease pain, and get you back up on your feet again. Don’t suffer from back pain any longer. Contact one of our 30+ locations today and schedule your free pain assessment!