Flexibility for Golf

Flexibility is the most important training tool you can use to improve your golf swing. A successful swing is defined by the relationship of shoulder to hip rotation. Stiff shoulders, tight hips, and stubborn hamstrings do little in helping you achieve an ideal swing. Lack of flexibility can also limit your distance off the tee, which will further limit your power. Heather Asti and Ryan Vinson will explain more about the role of flexibility in your golf game in part 2 of of our golf series “Get back to the Swing of Things”

Exercises to help your flexibility

Practice these exercises 3 to 5 days a week to help improve your flexibility and you will undoubtedly see a difference on the course. 

#1 Gastroc Stretch on Wall

  • Begin in a standing upright position in front of a wall.
  • Place your hands on the wall and extend one leg straight backward, bending your front leg, until you feel a stretch in the calf of your back leg and hold.
  • Hold for 45 seconds and do this on each side at least once a day, every day.

#2 Soleus Stretch on Wall

  • Begin in a standing upright position in front of a wall.
  • Place your hands on the wall and extend one leg backward with your knee bent. Lean forward into the wall, until you feel a stretch in your lower calf and hold.
  • Make sure to keep your heels on the ground and back knee bent during the stretch.
  • Hold for 45 seconds and do this on each side at least once a day, every day.

#3 Supine Hamstring Stretch with Doorway

  • Begin lying on your back in a doorway with your hips next to the doorframe.
  • Keeping your leg straight, raise your heel up onto the doorframe until you feel a gentle stretch in the back of your leg. Hold this position.
  • Make sure to keep breathing evenly and do not lock your knee during the stretch.
  • Hold for 45 seconds and do this on each side at least once a day, every day.

#4 Prone Quad Stretch with Strap

  • Begin lying on your front with your legs straight, holding the end of a strap that is looped around one foot.
  • Pull the end of the strap over your shoulder on the same side of your body, bending your knee, until you feel a gentle stretch in your thigh.
  • Do not let your low back arch during the stretch.\Hold for 45 seconds and do this on each side at least once a day, every day.
  • Hold for 45 seconds and do this on each side at least once a day, every day.

#5 Supine Piriformis Stretch with Foot on Ground

  • Begin by lying on your back with both knees bent and feet resting flat on the ground. Cross one leg over the other so your foot is resting on your knee.
  • Grab your leg just below the knee and slowly draw it towards your opposite shoulder until you feel a stretch in your buttocks.
  • Do not allow your back to twist or bend excessively during the stretch. 
  • Hold for 45 seconds and do this on each side at least once a day, every day.

#6 Half-Kneeling Hip Flexor Stretch

  • Begin in a half-kneeling position with one knee bent in front of your body.
  • Tighten your abdominals, tilt your pelvis backward, and gently push your hips forward. You should feel a stretch in the front of your hip.
  • Make sure to keep your hips facing forward and back straight during the exercise.
  • Hold for 45 seconds and do this on each side at least once a day, every day.

#7 Prone Press Up on Elbows

  • Begin lying on your stomach, resting on your elbows low to the ground.
  • Push up on your elbows, bending your back upward.
  • Make sure to keep your hips in contact with the floor and maintain a gentle chin tuck throughout the exercise.
  • Hold for 45 seconds and do this every day.

#8 Sidelying Open Book Thoracic Rotation with Knee on Foam Roll

  • Begin lying on your side with your bottom leg straight, and your top leg bent at 90 a degree, resting on a foam roll. Your arms should be straight and together in front of you on the ground.
  • Slowly move your top arm away from your other arm, bringing it to the floor behind you, and rotating your upper trunk. Next, bring your arms back together, and repeat.
  • Make sure to keep your top leg on the foam roll.
  • Hold for 45 seconds and do this on each side at least once a day, every day.

#9 Thoracic Mobilization on Foam Roll 

  • Lie on your back with a foam roller positioned horizontally across your mid back, and arms crossed in front of your body. Bend your knees so your feet are resting flat on the floor.
  • Slowly roll back and forth over the foam roller.
  • Do not allow your low back to arch during the exercise.
  • Do this every day for 2 minutes.

#10 Supine Chest Stretch on Foam Roll

  • Begin lying with your knees bent and a foam roll positioned vertically along the middle of your back, hands resting on your stomach.
  • Slowly move your arms straight out to your sides, then return to the starting position and repeat.
  • Make sure your back is laying flat against the foam roll.
  • Hold for 45 seconds and do this at least once a day, every day.

#11 – Cross Body Shoulder Stretch at Wall

  • Begin in a standing upright position next to a wall (the video does not show this), with one arm across your body and your shoulder resting against a wall.
  • Lift your arm in front of your body and rest your shoulder on the wall, then grasp your elbow and gently pull it across your chest until your feel a stretch in the back of your shoulder and hold.
  • Make sure to keep your arm just below parallel with your shoulder.
  • Hold for 45 seconds and do this on each side at least once a day, every day.

#12 Corner Pec Major Stretch

  • Begin in a standing upright position facing a corner. Place your forearms flat on the wall on each side of the corner with your elbows at shoulder height.
  • Slowly lean forward, taking a small step if needed, until you feel a gentle stretch in the front of your shoulders. Hold this position.
  • Make sure to keep your upper back and neck relaxed. Do not shrug your shoulders during the stretch.
  • Hold for 45 seconds and do this at least once a day, every day.

#13 Standing Wrist Flexion Stretch

  • Begin in a standing upright position with one arm in front of your body, palm facing the floor.
  • With your other hand, bend your wrist downward until you feel a stretch.
  • Make sure to keep your elbow straight and try not to apply too much pressure, this should be a gentle stretch.

#14 Standing Wrist Extension Stretch

  • Begin in a standing position with one arm in front of your body, palm facing the ceiling.
  • With your other hand, apply a gentle downward pressure on your fingers, bending your wrist and keeping your elbow straight.
  • You should feel a stretch in your wrist. Try not to apply too much pressure, this should be a gentle stretch.

#15 Seated Levator Scapulae Stretch

  • Begin sitting upright in a chair, grasping the edge with one hand.
  • Rotate your head to the side opposite your anchored arm, then tuck your chin towards your chest. With your free hand, grasp the back of your head and gently pull it downward until you feel a stretch and hold.
  • Make sure to keep your back straight during the exercise.
  • Hold for 45 seconds and do this on each side at least once a day, every day.

#16 Seated Upper Trapezius Stretch

  • Begin sitting upright on a table grasping the edge with one hand.
  • Rotate your head up and to the side opposite of your anchored arm and slowly lean it toward your shoulder, applying pressure with your hand until you feel a stretch and hold.
  • Make sure to keep your back straight during the exercise.
  • Hold for 45 seconds and do this on each side at least once a day, every day.

Missed the Golf Warm up – Part 1 of the series?

You can watch it here and download our golf-specific warm-up.

Get your free evaluation!

As Ryan and Heather both mentioned, we are here to help you! If you’ve tried the exercises and experienced pain or didn’t see any difference, let one of our therapists take a look at you! We would be glad to evaluate your swing and look at your flexibility and then give you a personalized program to help you specifically.